Events and news about Residual Studio, a sustainable architecture studio in Portugal

Find out all the news about our studio and all the events we have participated in and will participate in to promote sustainable architecture and the circular economy in Portugal and abroad.

sustainable building from marble waste heaps

Nov. 2024

Publication of a scientific book - Springer Publisher

Architect Katia Talento, founder of Residual Studio, has written a book entitled “Sustainable Building From Marble Waste Heaps”, which has been published by Springer.

This book examines, from an architectural and landscape point of view, how discarded marble heaps can be reused, on-site, to give new life to the landscape, offering solutions that are as innovative as they are practical and sustainable.

More info here aqui

Gentler Future Festival Lisboa

01st Jun. 2024

Guest Speaker at the “Gentler Future Festival” - Lisbon

Architect Katia Talento, founder of Residual Studio, was invited to speak at the “Walk the Talk” section of the “Gentler Future Festival”, in collaboration with “Pecha Kucha Lisboa”. In this annual festival, focused on the dissemination and promotion of sustainable and circular practices in the architecture and design sectors, architect Katia Talento presented her sustainable projects and research based on innovative circular strategies.

More info here

19th Jan. 2024

Start of partnership with Century 21 - Polo Central Real Estate Agency

Residual Studio has established a partnership with Century 21 – Polo Central in Lisbon, to provide real estate consultancy services. In this way, Residual Studio will be able to help all its clients choose which plot of land or property to buy, in which to apply an architectural project, and also in the sale of real estate.

In addition, through this agency and the credit intermediation service it provides, Residual Studio will also be able to help obtain advantageous real estate loans for both the purchase of properties and the construction of new architectural projects.

More info here

arquitetura sustentável-sustainable architecture firm in Portugal

13th Oct. 2023

II International Research Seminar about Marble Quarries - Évora

Architect Katia Talento, CEO at Residual Studio, was invited by Seville University, as a guest speaker, at the “II International Research Seminar about Marble Quarries”. It aims to develop research and debate on the effectiveness of landscape and cultural heritage protection instruments in the context of marble quarry landscapes and it considers three case studies of marble quarries (Carrara, IT; Macael, SP; Évora, PT) in which the processes of anthropic transformation of contemporary industrial activity and landscape and cultural heritage coexist.

Architect Katia Talento had the opportunity to give her contribution on sustainable architecture and circular economy, presenting, in the second panel of the seminar, “creative approaches for quarry landscapes”, her research focused on the on-site reuse of waste material in the Estremoz Anticline (in Portugal), a huge area composed of several large quarries and waste heaps. 

More info here

arquitetura sustentável-sustainable architecture firm in Portugal

29th Sep. 2023

Technical Visit on Sustainability in Construction

Residual Studio was selected by EUROYOUTH Portugal (an organization specializing in the management of education, training, employment and local development projects) to carry out a technical visit on sustainable architecture for a group of professionals from the “Ente Senese Scuola Edile” in Italy. Through the Erasmus+ program, they had the opportunity to learn about other realities and experiences related to sustainability in construction, and practical examples of sustainable architecture in Lisbon, focused on the circular economy.

Discover EUROYOUTH here

arquitetura sustentável-sustainable architecture firm in Portugal

26th Sep. 2023

Honorable Mention in the Sustainability and Research Awards 2023

Architect Katia Talento, CEO at Residual Studio, author of the doctoral thesis “The Metamorphosis of the Landscape: The Dynamic Reuse of Marble Waste”, was awarded an honorable mention in the Awards organized by the Portuguese Architects Association and the Environmental Fund. The research work, distinguished by a jury made up of experts from the Order of Architects, the Environmental Fund and the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Action, highlights the importance of reusing materials and waste heaps in the landscape and in architecture sector, creating innovative spaces and enhancing abandoned and degraded territories. The award will be presented at a public ceremony.

More information here.

12th Sep. 2023

Funding (PRR) granted for the development of a green and digital project

After a rigorous evaluation process, Residual Studio has been considered eligible for funding to develop and boost a green and digital project. The project refers to the “Yuppie On” platform (recently launched by the studio), focused on the architecture and design sectors, which promotes youth employment, the enhancement of the profession, the digital economy and environmental and social sustainability.

Discover “Yuppie On” here

15th Jul. 2023

Solemn Session of the XIV Graduation Day

Architect Katia Talento, CEO at Residual Studio, participates in the Graduation Day of the Instituto Superior Técnico (University of Lisbon) to receive her PhD diploma, completed with maximum classification in the year 2022. His doctoral thesis focuses on the rehabilitation of a large abandoned extractive area in Portugal and the reuse of the associated marble waste heaps. Sustainable architecture, circular economy and innovation are the main themes addressed in the thesis.

20th Apr. 2023

Welectric Talk - Sustainable construction and its impact on the environment and energy

Architect Katia Talento, CEO at Residual Studio, was the guest on the 4th episode of Welectric Talk, supported by Crédito Agrícola. The topic of sustainability in architecture was discussed, along with an analysis of the construction sector in Portugal and the challenges it faces in becoming more sustainable. Various examples of sustainable buildings, techniques and materials were also discussed.

Watch the video interview here. 

27th Feb. 2023

"Sustainable Utopia, not dreambook" for 2050 Magazine.Briefing

Residual Studio was invited to publish an opinion piece on the topic of sustainability in the architecture sector. The magazine 2050.Briefing wanted to find out, from those who reflect on the subject and put it into practice in their daily lives and businesses, what they envision for 2023. What changes can be expected? Is it utopian or not for sustainability to infiltrate companies, governments, brands, consumption and behavior?

Read the article here

9th Jan. 2023

Launch of the Architecture and Design Platform, "Yuppie On"

Residual Studio has created and launched a digital platform, focused on the Architecture and Design sectors, which promotes youth employment, the enhancement of the architect’s profession, the digital economy, remote and hybrid work, and environmental and digital sustainability. It is a new green and digital product that aims to contribute to the decarbonization of society and improve the future of young professionals.

Get to know “Yuppie On” here.  

© RESIDUAL STUDIO – 2022 – NIF: 516910965

Rua Vicente Dias, n°12, 3D, 1400-358, Lisboa.


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